Wednesday, December 7, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

I've missed the last couple of WILW's and I was determined to do it this time! I've got class soon so this one is going to be pretty short! Here we go!

I'm loving- that my sweet love Steven and I had our 1 year "anniversary" on Monday (the quotations are because I don't think you have actual anniversaries until your married.) Anyway we've been together for a whole year and I couldn't be happier. He's such a sweetheart and does so much for me. I'm truly a very lucky girl. We decided since we're in college and all that we wouldn't do much. No gifts and we went out to dinner. It was really fun. There is a possibility that I made him a gift anyway. Nothing big, it was a cute idea though.  I made him a book of cards with 52 reasons why I loved him! (one for each week we've been together!) and since the traditional gift for a 1 year is paper gifts I thought it fit perfect! :)

I'm loving- that I've got less than a week left until Christmas break! I can't wait to see all my family and have a whole month off of school!

I'm loving-that when we do start next semester, I'm taking a few art classes! I've wanted to take some for awhile now and have had a full schedule. I'm almost done with school and I absolutely can not wait! 

I'm loving- my roommates and I took a few Christmas pictures so we could make cards to send home to our families. It was so funny taking the pictures, none of us could stop laughing. :)

I'm loving- all of you! It means so much to me when you take time to comment and follow! :) Thanks so much for reading! 

Link up and tell us what you are loving! :) 

Friday, December 2, 2011

Five Question Friday

Five question Friday is here! :)) Link up here and enjoy! 

1. What is your favorite Christmas decoration in your house?
It's a tie! :) I have my Up! ornament and another little snowman on our Christmas tree this year. I love them both! The movie Up! is soo good! and My little snowman just looks like he's having so much fun hangin' out on his snowflake. 

2. Do you finish your Christmas shopping early or are you a last minute type?
Procrastination is my weakness in everything. School, work, and even shopping. I have so much left to buy it's gonna be difficult to fit all of it in! I brought home Christmas wrap yesterday and our neighbor thought that it was too early. So I guess I won't be the last shopper out there! :)

3. When do you turn on your heat?
Our heat goes on whenever we feel cold! I hate hate hate being cold. I hate it so much, that I have even been known to wear layers in the middle of the summer. So we really don't go by a certain day/ degree. Just whenever we're feelin' it. 

4. Do you ever wish your blog was private?
Sometimes, yes. Sometimes it would be nice to just be able to write and not worry about who is going to see it. But I think that they have other websites out there for that or journals at least. So I'll stick with my public ramblings :)

5. Do you put your deodorant on before of after you put on your shirt?
Always after! Deodorant lines can mess up your entire outfit and if your like me and sleep until the very last minute, you don't have much time for outfit malfunctions!