Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wednesdays are for Loving!


Hello Everyone! :) it's Wednesday sooo here we go!
Today I am loving so many things! 

-First of all, I finished two of my classes today! We've still got five weeks left in the semester so having two (almost 3!) of my six classes done feels great!

I'm loving- hats! I don't usually wear hats other than in winter so it's always fun to experiment when it gets colder! 

O'Neill Fields Rainbow Beanie
I love this hat  I found on Lulu's

I love love love the fall weather! Today was beautiful and I'm not ready for fall to be over yet. 
Ignore how bad this picture is, I took it from my car!

I'm loving that I finally got time to hang some stuff up on my walls! I love decorating and my bare walls were driving me crazy!

I love this sign I found! It says "Live by the sun, Love by the Moon."

I'm loving my wonderful boyfriend! Wednesdays are always fun for us because we go out to eat at our favorite bar and play keno. We normally lose more than we make, BUT last night we got lucky on a scratch ticket and won $50, so that paid for this weeks adventure!

Lastly, I'm loving blogging! It's so much fun reading what all of you have to say every day. I took a break a few months ago when I just got started but I've gotten back into it lately! Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to comment and follow it is SOO appreciated!

Don't forget to link up with Jamie every Wednesday and tell us all what it is your loving!


  1. great blog!

    i wish i wore more hats too :)

    lucky you for winning $50, i would take that any day lol

  2. Thank you, and thanks for stopping by! Hats are fun so don't be afraid to try them out!:)

  3. So many cute pictures! And I love that sign too- SO sweet! :) xoxo Brooke

  4. Thank you!:) and can you believe I got that sign for like 2 bucks, such a great deal! :)

  5. I too love that hat! My daughter is working on learning how to either knit or crochet something similar for herself. Welcome to NOBH and thank you for linking up with us!
