Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wednesday Loves

Happy Wednesday everyone!

Don't forget to link up with Jamie and share your loves!

I'm loving rainy days! Today was my day off and I had great plans to get a ton of stuff accomplished. But I woke up and it was cold and rainy, so that didn't happen. Instead, I spent the whole day "dog-sitting" for my friend Cody! He just got a new yellow lab and named him Buddy (pictures to come)! So I'm loving that I got to spend the whole day cuddling with Buddy and watching One Tree Hill.

I'm loving that Vegas is getting closer everyday! It's going to be such a blast!
I'm also loving that in April I will be doing my very first guest blog over at Love and Hot Chocolate! I'm excited to finally be meeting people through blogging!

I'm loving that Steven and I are trying some place different for our weekly Wednesday dinner! We've got a few choices and I'll keep you guys posted with what we decide! :)

Finally, I'm loving that my friend Shelby and I are going to the midnight premiere of The Hunger Games! I loved the books and can't wait for the movies! Here is the trailer for the movie!

Happy Wednesday Loves!

Friday, March 16, 2012

It's Friday.. So, what?

So Fridays always seem to bum me out! Everyone always comes in to the store practically cheering about how it's the weekend and they can't wait to do all these awesome weekendish things. Well luckily for me being the bottom of the totem pole kind of worker that I am, I work almost EVERY weekend.  Psh, whatever. Fridays are basically Monday for me. 
Ok, thanks. I got that out of my system. 

Yesterday  was fun though! I went to a musical with my Mom and Grandma! It was awesome! It was at the school my Grandma used to work at. The kids were absolutely amazing! They did the play Legally Blonde: The Musical. They did such a good job. I had seen this musical once before as a broadway show in Chicago. I definitely think these kids could compete! Maybe it was so mind-blowing to me because at my old high school, we hardly even had a play. When we did the cast was almost always an all girl cast. It was ridiculous. Any-who, it was a good time! 

For my eventful Friday evening, me and my friend are going to make some sculptures! I will show you guys what we come up with soon! How was everyone else's Friday? Hopefully your off this weekend enjoying the awesome weather! 

PS- On a side note, I found this completely amazing song! I am totally in love. Have a listen! :)

Thanks for reading and don't forget, I love comments! :)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Spring Loves!

Hey everyone! Welcome back for another WILW!

This week I am loving: my sweet friend Brittany. She's going through a hard time right now and just moved back home yesterday. We spent the entire day together and this is what we did.

Tie-dyed shirts!

Grilled vegetable skewers!
Went on an extremely long walk!

I'm also loving this weather! It has been so warm lately and I've loved spending time outside!

I'm loving that I'm going to do the color run in June! I absolutely can not wait! It looks like so much fun!

Finally, I'm loving my sweet boyfriend and the new pictures we took the other day! :)

As always, I'm loving all of you! :) Thanks so much for your comments they definitely make my day!

Don't for get to link up both with Jamie and NOBH!  Happy Wednesday!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Lazy Sunday!

Hey everyone! This weekend has been pretty uneventful. I worked both Friday and Saturday. Today though I had such a perfect lazy Sunday!

My idea of the perfect lazy Sunday isn't exactly being lazy. Today it was raining so I stayed inside most of the day with Steven! I did laundry and cleaned up the house. Then we watched Ratatouille. It was a cute movie, I really liked it! After dinner, we are going to watch 50/50. It looks like a very good movie!

Then Steven took a nap. It was his Sunday to open which means he had to get up at 5. With the time changing last night that meant he only got a few hours of sleep. So while he was sleeping I made sour cream chicken rolls and some garlic and olive oil vermicelli!

we won't tell him I took this..

I also got a bit of my pharmacology homework done today!
It was the most amazing Sunday anyone could ask for! :)
What is your idea of a perfect sunday?

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Happy Wednesday! :)
Link up with Jamie and tell us all what you are loving! :) 

I'm loving: how completely lucky I am to live in such a wonderful place. Some of you may have already heard about the KONY campaign that is going on right now. And if you haven't, please take time and watch this video! You'll be glad you did. 

I'm loving: that even though I am from a small rural community many of our youth have come together and are working out a plan to help with this campaign in a major way. 

I'm loving: Project 7. I love everything they stand for. For those of us who don't have all the time in the world to spend volunteering, Project 7 makes us feel like we can give back too. They have products like water, gum, coffee, mints, and even t-shirts. Every time you buy, they give. For example, for every one case of Project 7's Quench The Thirsty water sold, a person in need recieves clean water for a year.
Check out their website and get involved!
Maybe even try out their 7 Day volunteer program! 
Here is their mission statement video:

Happy Wednesday everyone! :)