Wednesday, August 8, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Happy Wednesday!

This week I'm linking up with Jamie for WILW. Don't forget to stop by her page and link up as well!

This Wednesday I am loving sooo many things!
For a while there my life was little off track, but that's alright. It looks like everything is starting to fall into place!

I'm loving that I bought a new car yesterday, which I'm really excited about! My old car wasn't doing so hot so I had to get rid of her. :'(  Anyway, I love my new car!

I'm loving that I also got a new job that I start on Tuesday and I can't wait! I'm so excited.  I loooove being a waitress. It honestly has to be one of the most exciting jobs there is. You get to meet so many people every day and I love being around people. I can't wait to start!

I'm loving my beautiful family. They have supported me this entire summer while I was deciding what I wanted to do with my life. They are the most amazing family anyone could ask for.

The love of a family

I'm loving God. Without him, I don't think I would have had the strength to get through half of the obstacles I've been faced with recently.


Next on my list, I need to find a place to live in my new city! My sweet friend Brittany and I are moving in together. It's going to be a blast!
Hope everyone has a good week and don't forget to link up with Jamie! :)

Sunday, August 5, 2012

On your mark..get set..

I hope you all had good weekends!

My weekend was great! I went to the lake with some new friends and learned how to wake board! I had a really fun time! 
I had a job interview! I went in Saturday for my interview with Old Chicago and I got the job! I'm so excited. I absolutely love being a waitress and I can't wait to start. The only down side is I won't have Saturdays off to watch football, but I'm working downtown so I don't think I'll be far from some husker football action!
So now what does this mean? I'll be moving... again! I'm honestly ecstatic. I'm moving with my sweet friend Brittany. She's such a doll I can't wait for us to live together .It feels like everything is taking off and i'm ready!

So that's pretty much it for now. Things are definitely looking up for me! Pray that it stays this way for awhile! 

How was everyone else's weekend?!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Two Months Later...

Hey there lovelies!
So as some of you may have noticed, I have been absent for quite some time.
Well here's why....

Remember that steady job I used to have? I quit it.
Remember that boy I used to date? I ran away.
Remember that college town I used to live in? I left it. 

These choices were all 100% mine. They tried to tell me not to do it, but I knew in my heart it was what I had to do. 

So here's the big question everyone has been wondering... now what?
Honestly, I don't know. 
But here's what I do know. Right now, it's 2:18 am and I'm wide awake thinking about my future. Not worrying, just thinking. Everyone always asks me what I'm going to do and I never have an answer. I'm going to go wherever my heart tells me. I made this drastic change in my life so that I could figure out who I was, and I'll be damned if I did all this for nothing. So right now, even though to the rest of the world my situation seems a little gloomy, I know I'm going to be just fine.
I have such a strong sense of faith right now and it's almost overwhelming. I have a beautiful support system here with my family who wants me to do whatever it is that makes me happy. They also understand how important it is for me to make this journey on my own.
So here I am. With this whole new crazy life in front of me. And I hope you want to stick around and watch how it turns out. I promise, it will be an amazing journey. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Isn't it lovely

Happy Wednesday to you all!

This Wednesday I'm loving one thing more than anything else. That is that in a few short hours I will be reuniting with my sweet friend Lo to go see Ron Pope and Josiah Leming in concert! I can't wait. I miss her so much and getting to hang out most of the day is going to be awesome! 

I'm also loving a new drawing I'm working on! When it's finished I will post it for you all to see.

As always, I'm loving all of you! :) Hope your Wednesday is fantastic! Don't forget to link up!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Finally, I'm back! and a Welcome note!

Hey everyone! I'm finally back! Well, actually I've been back for about a week now. It's been crazy since we got home I've been working a ton and checking things off of my summer list!

Vegas was a blast! Everyone had so much fun. We won some money, then lost it right back. But hey that's the way it goes. I had a great time but it was exhausting!

Tomorrow, I will be going to my first concert of the summer! It's a Ron Pope and Josiah Leming concert! I'm going with my old suite mate Lo! I miss her soo much since she moved so it's going to be an awesome time!

Love this song!

Josiah! He's Lo's favorite. He was on American Idol and she pretty much fell in love. She got to meet him last year, I still haven't stopped hearing about it!

Now, on to the welcome! I would like to introduce to this great big world my family's two, count 'em TWO new additions! My new baby cousins Paislee Jeanette and Mavden Jaze! Two of my cousins had their babies in the last few weeks and I couldn't be more excited for them. 



welcome to the world, Little ones. 
Happy Tuesday Everyone! I'm super glad to be back!

Friday, May 18, 2012


THREE DAYS! Three days lovelies and I will begin my beautiful vacation! I'm so excited! I can't wait to see Steven's family and go to Vegas! We're leaving Monday after I get off work to Steven's home and we leave Wednesday for Vegas.

I also started my classes today (early!) In ten short weeks I will have completed my Associates of Science degree! It will be my first of three. I expect to finish the other two by the end of this year! Then I can hopefully begin my career! 
Hope your all having a beautiful day! 
Wish me luck lovelies! Hopefully I come home rich! :))

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

It's Wednesday, you know what I'm talking about.

Happy Wednesday loves! Link up!

This Wednesday is particularly special because it's exactly ONE week until I will be winning big in Vegas! (A girl can dream, right?) Anyway, sorry for the lack of posts this week, I've been very busy with a few projects!

I'm loving : my dresser! It used to be just plain white and boring. It was practically falling apart too, so Steven and I fixed 'er up! I think it's beautiful. It's actually not quite done in the picture, I just couldn't wait to show you all! :)

I'm loving: my tie dye rainbow cake I made last night! I got the idea from bird on a cake! I'm no professional cake maker, but I think mine turned out pretty cool! And it tastes awesome!

I'm loving: my new plant! I've wanted a puppy forever. I used to have a pug at home but when we moved he couldn't come with us :( I miss him mucho. He was always a bundle of fun! So, since I can't have a dog in my apartment, I got a plant. It's not near as much fun, but it's pretty to look at!
:'( this is the only picture I could find of me and ol' Ace. :) he was the best!

I'm loving: this day off. It's my last day off until Vegas. I absolutely can't wait. I think I'm going to do some shopping today and possibly make a dream catcher!

I'm loving: this man. He's the sweetest guy in the world for putting up with me when I'm not exactly as nice as I should be.

I'm loving: YOU! Your all so great for reading and commenting! Thanks so much!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I love, love.

Finally, it's Wednesday! This week has gone pretty slow for me so I'm excited to share a few things I'm loving!
Link up with Jamie and share your loves! :)

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about love. I've always wanted the fairy-tale princess kind of love, sort of. I don't think love should be perfect. People should argue about certain issues and not always agree on everything. I think that being who you are is a very important aspect of being in love.

So basically, I'm just loving love today. Thinking about people who are hopelessly in love makes me so happy! :) Here are some things that I think show that!

Chinese Proverb:
An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstances. The thread may stretch or tangle but will never break.

A Chinese proverb says an invisible thread connects those destined to meet, despite the time, the place, despite the circumstances. The thread can be tightened or tangled, but never be broken.
I think this song is the sweetest song I've ever heard in my life. I absolutely love it! :)

That's all my love for now! :) Thanks for reading! 

Monday, May 7, 2012

Weekend Recap

This weekend was pretty fantastic. I had all weekend off so I went back to my hometown to celebrate my friends birthday! We had a great time, we went out on the lake, tanned, and then went and hung out with some of our old friends! I got to go shopping with my mom where I bought way too much including my new favorite pair of rainbow shoes!  Then I went and spent the night watching some tv with my cousins! All in all, it was a fabulous weekend! Unfortunately now I've got to get my apartment straightened up and it's back to work for me tomorrow!

My mom hated these, but I think they're wonderful! :)

Much love,

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


So much to love today! Be sure to link up with Jamie and share your loves!

Today I am L-O-V-I-N-G that I'm officially done with school! I took my last final yesterday so now I have some freedom!

I'm also loving that I found out this morning that I was awarded a scholarship to take summer classes! As much as I would love to take the summer off, this scholarship will pay for the last of my classes in my science degree! whoop whoop!

I'm loving that yesterday,  I did a bit of a workout! I thought it was going to be easy, but I went through the steps twice and I'm feeling it today! haha, I guess you could say I'm not in as great as shape as I was in high school. Give it a try! :)

workout workout workout
As always, I'm loving my sweet boyfriend.

Lastly, I'm loving all of you! You guys are great and I love reading your comments! Happy Wednesday! 

Monday, April 30, 2012


Hey hey!
Today was my day off and I feel awfully accomplished! This morning I cleaned my room, then went long boarding for two hours! After that I came home and drew Shelby's tattoo! She's getting the Eiffel Tower on her wrist and I feel pretty darn lucky that she's willing to get some of my art permanently placed on her body! :)
Finally, I took my last pharmacology test!! I'm so happy! That means I've only got one more test and I'm finished with the semester! Absolutely awesome! :)


Saturday, April 28, 2012


Hey Everyone! So the last couple of weeks have been crazy, but I've only got a couple tests left in the semester and I will be done will school! I've kind of cut all social networking out of my life for the last few weeks for finals and what not, and boy has that been hard. But while I was gone I did take a trip. My friend Shelby said something on Monday about how we should go see our friend Nicki in Colorado sometime, So sure enough, we left Tuesday night for Colorado! It was so fun. We went to Estes Park and shopping in Denver. We had to come back Thursday so it was a really short trip but it was awesome!

That got me thinking about all the other things I wanted to do this summer. I've decided this summer is going to be a great one for me and I'm going to try a bunch of things I've never tried before. So yesterday I made a list of things I hope to accomplish this summer. It will keep growing, but so far this is what I have!

1. Win in Vegas
2. Get a new Tattoo
3. Skydive
4. Participate in the Color Run
5. Help the planet
6. Make a new friend
7. Finish my Science degree
8. Visit at least 3 different states
9. Climb the monument
10. Volunteer
11. Meet someone famous.
12. Go to a concert
13. Long board to work
14. Go tanking at home
15. Always be happy ♥

I can't wait to get started on my list!

PS. Brittney came home last night! I was so happy to see her! :)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wednesday Loves

Happy Wednesday everyone!

Don't forget to link up with Jamie and share your loves!

I'm loving rainy days! Today was my day off and I had great plans to get a ton of stuff accomplished. But I woke up and it was cold and rainy, so that didn't happen. Instead, I spent the whole day "dog-sitting" for my friend Cody! He just got a new yellow lab and named him Buddy (pictures to come)! So I'm loving that I got to spend the whole day cuddling with Buddy and watching One Tree Hill.

I'm loving that Vegas is getting closer everyday! It's going to be such a blast!
I'm also loving that in April I will be doing my very first guest blog over at Love and Hot Chocolate! I'm excited to finally be meeting people through blogging!

I'm loving that Steven and I are trying some place different for our weekly Wednesday dinner! We've got a few choices and I'll keep you guys posted with what we decide! :)

Finally, I'm loving that my friend Shelby and I are going to the midnight premiere of The Hunger Games! I loved the books and can't wait for the movies! Here is the trailer for the movie!

Happy Wednesday Loves!

Friday, March 16, 2012

It's Friday.. So, what?

So Fridays always seem to bum me out! Everyone always comes in to the store practically cheering about how it's the weekend and they can't wait to do all these awesome weekendish things. Well luckily for me being the bottom of the totem pole kind of worker that I am, I work almost EVERY weekend.  Psh, whatever. Fridays are basically Monday for me. 
Ok, thanks. I got that out of my system. 

Yesterday  was fun though! I went to a musical with my Mom and Grandma! It was awesome! It was at the school my Grandma used to work at. The kids were absolutely amazing! They did the play Legally Blonde: The Musical. They did such a good job. I had seen this musical once before as a broadway show in Chicago. I definitely think these kids could compete! Maybe it was so mind-blowing to me because at my old high school, we hardly even had a play. When we did the cast was almost always an all girl cast. It was ridiculous. Any-who, it was a good time! 

For my eventful Friday evening, me and my friend are going to make some sculptures! I will show you guys what we come up with soon! How was everyone else's Friday? Hopefully your off this weekend enjoying the awesome weather! 

PS- On a side note, I found this completely amazing song! I am totally in love. Have a listen! :)

Thanks for reading and don't forget, I love comments! :)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Spring Loves!

Hey everyone! Welcome back for another WILW!

This week I am loving: my sweet friend Brittany. She's going through a hard time right now and just moved back home yesterday. We spent the entire day together and this is what we did.

Tie-dyed shirts!

Grilled vegetable skewers!
Went on an extremely long walk!

I'm also loving this weather! It has been so warm lately and I've loved spending time outside!

I'm loving that I'm going to do the color run in June! I absolutely can not wait! It looks like so much fun!

Finally, I'm loving my sweet boyfriend and the new pictures we took the other day! :)

As always, I'm loving all of you! :) Thanks so much for your comments they definitely make my day!

Don't for get to link up both with Jamie and NOBH!  Happy Wednesday!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Lazy Sunday!

Hey everyone! This weekend has been pretty uneventful. I worked both Friday and Saturday. Today though I had such a perfect lazy Sunday!

My idea of the perfect lazy Sunday isn't exactly being lazy. Today it was raining so I stayed inside most of the day with Steven! I did laundry and cleaned up the house. Then we watched Ratatouille. It was a cute movie, I really liked it! After dinner, we are going to watch 50/50. It looks like a very good movie!

Then Steven took a nap. It was his Sunday to open which means he had to get up at 5. With the time changing last night that meant he only got a few hours of sleep. So while he was sleeping I made sour cream chicken rolls and some garlic and olive oil vermicelli!

we won't tell him I took this..

I also got a bit of my pharmacology homework done today!
It was the most amazing Sunday anyone could ask for! :)
What is your idea of a perfect sunday?