Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Link up!
Today was kind of a dreary day so it feels good to think of things that I love!

I love- being outside. I've been stuck inside for the last two days since I got my wisdom teeth taken out a few days ago. People tend to look at you weird when you've got chipmunk cheeks. Thankfully they aren't too swollen so it's not that bad! Also, it snowed today so my days outside are going to be limited. :(

I love- traditions. Steven and I went to the bar for our lovely Wednesday tradition. We won a whopping $2 this time! :)

I love- that Thanksgiving is almost here. I can't wait to go home and see my family! I also looove Black Friday shopping. 

I love- the thought of traveling. I'm getting pretty tired of being in the same place and I'm ready to get out of here.

I love- that my sweet friend Nicolette came home to visit for a couple days. She's moving to Colorado soon and I'm going to miss her very much!

I love- Steven :). He's been very helpful since I got my wisdom teeth taken out (I'm kind of a baby). But anyway, I don't know what I'd do without him. 

^ cute right? ;)

Notice that cheesy beard? Thanks a bunch no-shave November!


  1. Oh no! I hope your teeth are feeling much much better! When my husband got his out, he hurt for about a week... and did the silliest things while taking those pain meds! ;)

  2. Wow, that is a beautiful photo of the train!
