Sunday, November 6, 2011


This November I'm Linking up with No Ordinary Blog Hop and taking part in their monthly theme, Giving Thanks. Check it out!

I'm so thankful that:
-Today is Sunday, which is when my "college family" all comes over and we cook and watch movies. My "college family" is made up of many of my best friends. They are literally like family to me. I love them. We've been getting together almost every Sunday since last year. A few have moved away since them but we still consider them part of our family! Here are a few pictures of a few our Sundays.

These are from tonight!:) A bunch of people are missing

This was us after our Chirstmas gift exchange! :)

-I have a wonderful family (my real, biological family). They are always there for me whenever I need them. Even though they sometimes pick on me from time to time, I don't mind. They keep life interesting and I wouldn't change any of them for the world. I can't wait for Thanksgiving dinner when we all can get together and catch up! :)

-The beautiful weather. Today was a gorgeous fall day without much wind and it was fairly warm. I love fall -and I think a few more days like this would be wonderful before winter started.

-That I got time to relax today. I worked a lot this past week with work and school so having a day off of everything was amazing. I didn't have to do anything important which is always a wonderful feeling. I spent the day listening to music, hanging out with my boyfriend and room mate, and making cupcakes. It was a perfect day.

-My love. He is a wonderful boyfriend and I'm a lucky girl to have him. He had to work tonight so he missed family night, but we edited him into a picture so he wouldn't feel left out.

-My life. I'm a very lucky girl, I have a job, a comfortable home, and wonderful friends and family. I'm blessed and I am very happy to have the opportunity to take this time to share all the things that I am thankful for!

 Thanks For Reading!


  1. What a great list of blessings. I am always encouraged when I see young adults who have an abundance of gratitude in their lives.

    I am SO with you on the "waiting on the snow". We had 14" of heavy wet snow last week, and it is now gone. I can wait quite a while for another storm...

  2. Carrie, Thanks for following! :)
    Kim- I feel bad for complaining about the little bit of snow we got compared to you! Stay warm! :)

  3. Looks like a fun time! Thanks for linking up to the NOBH!
