Tuesday, November 8, 2011

More Thanks! :)

So, today I have a wonderful story to share with all of you! To get the humor in this story, we have to start a few days ago.

A couple days ago, my dad called me and wanted to know how my car was running and if it would need anything for winter. I had just had my entire coolant housing thing (i'm no mechanic, so i've only got a vague idea about what that is) replaced. So I thought everything would be okay. He asked about antifreeze, tires, you know, the works. And I told him everything was fine. Then, when I went to help my friend out a few hours away, I packed up my stuff and made sure I grabbed a blanket, coats, and extra gloves just in case. And am I glad I did! On my way home this morning I blew a tire while driving 80 down the interstate! It was really pretty scary. So, I pulled over at a close exit, got into my trunk to get out my spare tire and jack. I was thinking, Thank God I know how to change a tire!.... and thats when I realized....no tire iron. I was about an hour and a half away from home and I had to work this afternoon.

So I called my mom, and just as she was going to send one of my brothers to help me, two guys stopped and helped me! I was so happy. I was on a fairly busy road, and they were the only ones to stop (which is understandable, you never know these days.)
So I called up my dad to tell him my ironic story of how my tire blew out only a few days after he told me to check them. :) Everything is okay, Thanks to a lot of help from my dad i've got some new tires and my car really is ready for winter (tire iron included).

Anyway,I thought since the theme this month is to give thanks, I would mention how thankful I am that those boys stopped and helped me. Without them I would have been stranded for quite a while. It's very comforting to know that there are still people out there who are willing to help. I am so grateful for that. And even though it was kind of a rough day at first, it all ended up okay!

Check out NOBH, Think of a few things your thankful for, then link up! :)


  1. What a great story and yes you have so much to be thankful for! Thank you for sharing this post at NOBH and linking up! You were not only blessed with good help, but your guardian angel must have been watching over you since you didn't get in an accident when your tire went out. What a blessing!

    Did you know that NOBH has been nominated for the Homeschool Blog Awards in the "Best Family/Group Blog". Go to the NOBH home page (http://noordinarybloghop.blogs... ) to find out how you can vote for our hop if you feel lead to do so! Thanks! Tracy at "A Slice of Smith Life"

  2. I just saw on my comment above that the NOBH site was copied incorrectly. It is http://noordinarybloghop.blogspot.com

    Tracy :)

  3. Thanks for stopping by! :) and I'm heading over to NOBH now to vote!
